Tish Hinojosa


Garfield House Concerts

Artist Image

Saturday, November 15th, 2014
Start time: 07:30 PM

Tish Hinojosa

Garfield House Concerts
Please RSVP to Attend

About The Show:

Suggested Donation: 20

Doors at 7:00 p.m.
Show starts at 7:30 p.m.

Tish Hinojosa:

Originally from San Antonio, Tish Hinojosa spent the past nine years living, writing, composing, collaborating, and exploring in Hamburg, Germany. Moved by this funky corner of the world where the Beatles lived and performed, Hinojosa strolled the streets of the red light district, retreated to cafes, traversed the harbor, and paid homage to the museums and theaters dedicated to music appreciation which is never far from her heart.

As the youngest of thirteen children born to Mexican immigran...

Garfield House Concerts

Venue Image

We host two concerts each year with national singer/songwriters in our living room in Northville, Michigan.