

Garfield House Concerts

Artist Image

Saturday, May 21st, 2016
Doors open: 07:00 PM
Start time: 07:30 PM


Garfield House Concerts
Please RSVP to Attend

About The Show:

Suggested Donation: 20

Bring food and beverages to share


When Callaghan moved from London to Atlanta during the summer of 2010, she was still a relatively unknown name in the States. A singer/songwriter whose music blurred the edges between pop, adult contemporary and Americana, she had been drawn to Atlanta by one of her biggest influences - Shawn Mullins - after he had agreed to produce her first album. It was a classic story of taking risks, of willingly throwing your life into upheaval in order to chase your dreams.

Just a few years later, Call...

Video: Best Year

When You Loved Me

Garfield House Concerts

Venue Image

We host two concerts each year with national singer/songwriters in our living room in Northville, Michigan.