Mike Vitale


Bad Branch House Concerts

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Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Doors open: 06:00 PM
Start time: 06:30 PM

Mike Vitale

Bad Branch House Concerts
Please RSVP to Attend

About The Show:

Suggested Donation: $20

Mike Vitale:

Mike Vitale is a singer/songwriter based out of Los Angeles, CA, who began his career playing a weekly residency at the Fullerton venue, Plush Cafe, while he was attending the local Cal State University as a student. He built a grass roots audience playing a weekly show their every Wednesday night to an ever-growing audience of college and high school students, local residents, with people driving from as far as San Diego, just to see him perform. His voice and music are often compared to Paul...

Video: You're invited to (What is) a House Concert!

Time Machine


Bad Branch House Concerts

Venue Image

You'll be experiencing music in a listening room. That means we put on concert performances, and we treat the show as we would a movie or a musical - we respect the performers and the audience around us by not distracting them with conversations, phones, or unnecessary walking around. It's a lovely experience and we hope you'll join us.

Our Next Show(s):

10/20 Ajaye
03/23 Admiral Radio