Dana Hubbard

Dana Hubbard

"We hosted our 6th house concert, which featured Dana Hubbard. Just when we think we have already hosted "the best" concert yet, we are proven wrong. We - and our entire audience of 40 - were completely enthralled. So many of our guests commented that they were completely mesmerized by watching his playing skills.
(Cindy Hart - SYLA Presents, CA)



Recommendations from hosts (25)

February, 2024 - "Dana was our first post-pandemic show and it was well received by all our guests. Dana was very easy to work with and provided a marvelous show. His guitar skills, storytelling and original, creative music was perfect for our audience."

Dana Hubbard

Dana Hubbard

Member since: 2019-09-06
Home: Freedom (Santa Cruz), CA, US
Frequently Tours: US
# of Members: 1
Sound Equipment: Available if needed
Main Instrument: Vocals, Guitar
Other Instruments: Harmonica
Genre: Singer/Songwriter, Blues, Celtic
Style: Upbeat
Content: Mainstream
Rating: G


Award winning guitarist and songwriter, humorous story teller and traveling troubadour, Dana Hubbard brings a great deal to his shows. In the early 2000s, he hit the road as a touring solo singer/songwriter where he traveled the festival circuit, winning many of their competitions along with opening shows and sharing the stage with the artists he admired, covering everything from Folk to Blues to Bluegrass. Prior to that, he spent his dues paying years in the 80s and 90s leading his band, the De...

Trying to fill these important dates

OR,WA,ID/US: May, 2024 (dates: May-early Summr) - I plan to be in the Northwest probably by late April, thru May and into early June.

CA/US: Jun, 2024 (dates: 06/01 to 07/31) - I'll be spending some of the early summer in California before I head for the mountain states & Texas
The Groundskeepers

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