Hymn For Her

Hymn For Her

“These trailer park hippies can sing and play their butts off and don’t give a hoot what the straights think! It’s White Stripes meet Country Joe McDonald, with things just psychedelic enough to keep everyone interested and on their toes. The humor is good. The music even better.” – Vintage Guitar Magazine/RA

The Road Song


Recommendations from hosts (7)

May, 2024 - "Many of our attendees said this was their favorite show in quite some time. Quirky, different, and fun, they are a breath of fresh air when you tend to choose solo singer-songwriters."
(F. Snyder)


Hymn For Her

Hymn For Her

Member since: 2023-01-13
Home: Sarasota, FL, US
Frequently Tours: yes
# of Members: 3 or more
Sound Equipment: Available if needed
Main Instrument: Vocals, Guitar, Cigarbox guitar, piano
Other Instruments: Uke, banjo, harmonica, kick
Genre: Roots, americana, folksy, bluegrassy, blues, eclectic
Style: Groovy eclectic
Content: uniquely original
Rating: G - PG


Thank you for checking out the down home grassroots music of Hymn For Her.
We are Lucy & Wayne. We have been busy touring across the country and abroad over the past years, injecting juiced-up, backwoods, country blues with a dose of desert rock psychedelia that has been described as “Hell’s Angels meets the Amish,” & “Hillbillies with electronics opening Pandora’s Box”

We make our living on the road, and now our daughter has joined the band. We are a family trio of multi-instrum...

Trying to fill these important dates

FL/US: Feb, 2025 (dates: Open) - This is our home region and we'd love to play for you.

FL/US: Mar, 2025 (dates: Open) - This is our home region and we'd love to play for you.
Bron Yar Stomp (Zep cover)

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