Tony James Shevlin

Tony James Shevlin

"I saw Tony playing at The Commodore in Nashville on a visit there and immediately booked him to play at a house concert back in Des Moines IA. He did not disappoint, charming the audience with his stories and his songs, and I look forward to having him back again on his next trip to the US."
Scott Stillwell

Must've Been Good


Tony James Shevlin

Tony James Shevlin

Member since: 2017-10-23
Home: Ipswich, , UK

# of Members: 1
Sound Equipment: Available if needed
Main Instrument: Vocals, Guitar
Other Instruments: mandolin
Genre: celtic americana singer-songwriter
Style: Varied
Content: Mainstream
Rating: G


Award-winning Anglo-Irish singer-songwriter who has toured across Europe, Russia, the US and Australia. On the way, he has written songs for The Troggs and REM, and his song Cut Me, provided Amnesty International with an International Anthem of Peace.
His 2014 album Songs From the Last Chance Saloon gained critical acclaim by the likes of R2 Magazine “Songs From the Last Chance Saloon…demonstrates some serious talent” and the Nashville Songwriters Association International labelled him "...
Restless Celtic Heart

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