Craig Bickhardt

Craig Bickhardt

“Craig Bickhardt stands among the giants of Performing Songwriters. His main stage performance at this year's Philly Folk Festival was absolutely outstanding, he helped curate and moderate some of our best panels.”
- Jesse Lundy- Creative Director, Point Entertainment / Phila Folk Festival

Craig Bickhardt


Recommendations from hosts (25)

October, 2019 - "Craig is always a favorite here at Music on the Mountain and we had a sell out performance this time, too. Great songwriter, excellent guitar player and wonderful voice make Craig a sure hit with our audiences. Besides he tells great stories and is...

Craig Bickhardt

Craig Bickhardt

Member since: 2007-02-22
Home: King of Prussia, PA, US
Frequently Tours: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast
# of Members: 1 or 2
Sound Equipment: Please Inquire
Main Instrument: Vocals, Fingerpicking Guitar
Other Instruments: Djembe Drum when available
Genre: Folk, Americana, Acoustic
Style: Varied Acoustic Singer Songwriter
Content: Mainstream
Rating: G - PG


Craig Bickhardt's extraordinary voice, songwriting skills and musicianship combine to make any House Concert a pure joy and inspiration! His first big break came when he wrote and sang two songs for Robert Duvall’s Academy Award-winning film Tender Mercies, a movie with a similar theme to this past year’s award-winning Crazy Heart. In the wake of that film’s success, Bickhardt made his move to Nashville where his songs found their way onto critically acclaimed, platinum and Grammy-winning ...
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