Jessica Smucker

Jessica Smucker

“Jessica Smucker is an original; a real artist with a cohesive message, a drop-dead gorgeous voice that is all her own.” – Nerissa Nields

"An original take on the world which is truly rare to find. We all write to please, but often lose ourselves in doing so; Jessica Smucker's personality consistently shines her songs." - Ellis Paul

"Dinosaurs" at On Deck Sound Studio (Torrington, CT)


Recommendations from hosts (5)

January, 2025 - "The poetry of Jessica's lyrics is something to experience. Her lyrics truly shine in her solo performance, as she puts it as being 'close to the source'. Her engagement with the audience was real and immediate. Her storytelling is fun, and she ke...

Jessica Smucker

Jessica Smucker

Member since: 2022-10-13
Home: Lancaster, PA, US
Frequently Tours: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, SW
# of Members: 1
Sound Equipment: Available if needed
Main Instrument: Vocals, piano/keys
Other Instruments:
Genre: singer-songwriter, folk-pop
Style: Mellow sultry and soulful
Content: Mainstream nuanced, reflective, clever
Rating: G - PG


“Jessica Smucker is an original; a real artist with a cohesive message, a drop-dead gorgeous voice that is all her own. Her background in poetry gives her lyrics a specificity and depth. Each time I listen to ‘When I Was the Weather’ I hear something new, the way I do when I listen to Joni Mitchell or Bob Dylan. She is that good.” – Nerissa Nields

Jessica Smucker believes that the best way to change the world is to channel our pain into connection. Her songs have a way of reaching d...

Trying to fill these important dates

PA,MD,DE/US: Mar, 2025 (dates: year-round) - This is my home area and I'd love to play for you!

NY,CT,NJ/US: Mar, 2025 (dates: year-round) - this is easy distance from my home area, and I travel regularly; would love to play for you
Recent performances (playlist)

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