Jhett Black

Jhett Black

"Jhett Black played our house show at Elevated Music and was so professional and easy to work with. He had the crowd engaged and his unique flavor of dark blues was a great addition to our lineup. I highly recommend Jhett Black for your house show."
Wilson Harwood, House Concert Booker - Nashville, TN

12 Bar Blues Again LIVE


Recommendations from hosts (2)

February, 2024 - "It was so great to have Jhett and Callie, his wife, come to our little town to play some amazing blues for us. His lyrics and guitar playing were very good and he kept the audience's attention the whole evening. His personality and audience visi...

Jhett Black

Jhett Black

Member since:
Home: Nashville, TN, US
Frequently Tours: Yes
# of Members: 1
Sound Equipment: Please Inquire
Main Instrument: Vocals, Slide Guitar, Vocals, Guitar
Other Instruments: Piano, Harmonica, Foot Drums
Genre: Blues, Americana, Jazz
Style: Varied rhythm and blues
Content: Mainstream blues, jazz, americana
Rating: PG - R


Foot stomping rhythms and raucous slide guitar interweave with soulful gospel roots and balladry. The Southern Gothic sound of Jhett Black draws from years of experience on the road with underground folk rock band, Gleewood, and his passion for American roots music.

Somewhere between teaching himself slide guitar behind the chicken coop of a New Mexico ranch house and an endless sea of dive bars, the blues found their way into the young man’s heart and pours back out with the passionate p...
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