Shawn Byrne

Shawn Byrne

"Byrne takes an expansive view on the possibilities of roots music." - The Nashville Scene

"I like this guy. His baritone voice has a warm resonance. And there’s something about this lonely-troubadour performance that keeps you hanging on every line. He’s a singer-songwriter who has everything it takes to succeed." - Robert K. Oermann

Shawn Byrne - Collection of Songs


Recommendations from hosts (3)

July, 2017 - "Shawn came as a stranger and left as family. His songs are funny, sad, imaginative, and on target. Our friends did not want the evening to be over, he's a keeper they all said. We are a bunch of old folks and we could understand every word Shawn sang ...

Shawn Byrne

Shawn Byrne

Member since: 2015-12-28
Home: Nashville, TN, US

# of Members: 1
Sound Equipment: Available if needed
Main Instrument: Vocals, guitar
Other Instruments: none
Genre: Americana, Country
Style: Mellow
Content: Mainstream
Rating: G - PG


Shawn Byrne. Born in 1973. Middletown, Ct. Middlesex Hospital. The umbilical cord was cut and a new one was soon attached. This new cord plugged straight into a wooden Zenith record player where the future musician was nourished via headphones with the music from his father’s eclectic record collection. Cash, Willie, and Waylon played nicely alongside The Stones, The Beatles, and The Who.

After a stint at Berklee College of Music, Shawn made the move to Nashville, and as luck would have it...

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