Have a House Concert with Grace Morrison


Try Music by the Yard!

  • We drive to you.
  • Safely gather family and a few neighbors.
  • Get a 25 minute concert.
  • Pay a small flat fee and encourage donations.

Request Show

Grace Morrison
Music by the Yard

It's affordable!
Most LRN artists are accustomed to making $500-1500 per show.
Music by the Yard concerts start at only $100!

$200 for 50 minutes (+ donations)
$100 for 25 minutes (+ donations)


Recommendations from hosts (11)

March, 2024 - "Such a pleasure to host Grace! She's a great songwriter....her songs are serious, funny and relevant...sometimes all at the same time! The stories behind the songs about her family were priceless and her style of performing left us all smiling and ...

Grace Morrison

Grace Morrison

Trying to fill these important dates

MA/US: Apr, 2024 (dates: Open) - This is our home region and we'd love to play for you.

MA/US: May, 2024 (dates: Open) - This is our home region and we'd love to play for you.

Recommend a Venue | ConcertsInYourHome | Office Concerts | Fran Snyder