Have a House Concert with Mike Vitale


Try Music by the Yard!

  • We drive to you.
  • Safely gather family and a few neighbors.
  • Get a 25 minute concert.
  • Pay a small flat fee and encourage donations.

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Mike Vitale
Music by the Yard

It's affordable!
Most LRN artists are accustomed to making $500-1500 per show.
Music by the Yard concerts start at only $100!

$200 for 50 minutes (+ donations)
$100 for 25 minutes (+ donations)


Recommendations from hosts (18)

April, 2024 - "Mike was incredible. Great person, musician, story teller and all around great fit for our Harper Hill House Concert Series. Book him! You won't be disappointed."
(L. Heron)


Mike Vitale

Mike Vitale

Trying to fill these important dates

CO/US: Jul, 2024 (dates: July 27th 2024) - I am working on the booking for my Summer Tour, and I am trying to find a host for July 27th in the greater state of Colorado.

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