Have a House Concert with Jaeger & Reid


Try Music by the Yard!

  • We drive to you.
  • Safely gather family and a few neighbors.
  • Get a 25 minute concert.
  • Pay a small flat fee and encourage donations.

Request Show

Jaeger & Reid
Music by the Yard

It's affordable!
Most LRN artists are accustomed to making $500-1500 per show.
Music by the Yard concerts start at only $100!

$200 for 50 minutes (+ donations)
$100 for 25 minutes (+ donations)


Recommendations from hosts (11)

September, 2023 - "Perhaps one of our attendees said it better on our post-show survey than we can - "Best event of this year! Rare is it to find talented musicians with riveting vocals and ability to take their audience on a journey. I was transported tonight thou...

Jaeger & Reid

Jaeger & Reid

Trying to fill these important dates

CA/US: Apr, 2024 (dates: 19, 21, 26, 27,) - Oakland, CA based, we are looking for concerts within a 3-4 hour drive from SF Bay Area.

CA/US: May, 2024 (dates: 10/11 17 18 25) - Oakland CA based, looking for opportunities within a 3-4 hour drive from SF Bay Area.

Recommend a Venue | ConcertsInYourHome | Office Concerts | Fran Snyder